
有効期限を過ぎた修了証PDFの非表示化について/Non-display of Certificate PDFs that have expired

画像 APRIN 事務局
有効期限を過ぎた修了証PDFの非表示化について/Non-display of Certificate PDFs that have expired
2023年 10月 27日(金曜日) 15:08 - APRIN 事務局 の投稿


eAPRIN (the current system) currently allows all issued certificates, including those that have expired, to be displayed in PDF format at any time. From a data management perspective, eAPRIN will now proceed to "non-display expired certificates" for those courses that have an effective year set on the course and an "expiration date" displayed on the certificate. (They can be re-displayed by the grade administrator or the APRIN administrative office, if necessary.) We plan to begin implementing this starting with certificates that have already expired in FY 2018.